Sunday, December 4, 2016

As The Veil Lifts...

Don't wake me from my slumber. You and your senselessness. Stay where you are and don't move an inch. I won't receive you no matter how shiny and shimmery you become. You're no star. You're just fragments of a thing left behind. There's nothing of you here. There never was. 

You're a fake, not because you and I are not on the same page but because you didn't follow through to the end. You sneaked away like a coward. I know I shouldn't blame you. We do what we need to do when we don't get what we want. And you did, by walking away. It's okay. I walked the other way long before you when I saw what you are. You're no prize. You're no jewel. You're nothing special. But, I am. 

Now, I understand you. Now, I see...see the nothingness it really was. Just ups and downs, lefts and rights but no real movement. You want casual? You got casual. You got what you wanted. And yet you didn't, did you? Not the kind of casual you were seeking. I'm not sorry I disappointed. You're the disappointment. You can't help what you are. 

All your posturing amounted to foolishness and illusions. You can't deliver. You don't have what it takes. Why should I feel bad for being stuck up? You're not worthy of anything more. This is what you attract in me. It can't be any other way than how it is. 

I hope you're ashamed of yourself. I hope you feel bad. That's my only revenge. It makes me smile that I don't behave or respond the way you hoped I would. You're just a snake in the ground. You carry no poison. I hover and tower over you like the 5 ft 6" being that I am. Inwardly, I'm so much grander than that. You can slither all you want. It didn't make a difference then and it won't now.

I remembered how I waited. Oh, how I waited. Like the High Priestess. I sat there with all the knowledge of the world on my lap. I knew the truth then. I decided to rise above it. What else could I do? I am so much more than you could ever fathom.

Emotionally, you're immature. You're incapable of investing. My lack of response towards you says more about you than it does about me. I'm the star that shines in the sky. I'm that thing you'll never reach or acquire. You sneaked away because you saw there was no point in hanging around. So, go. Go. Slither away in the dirt the way you do in search of your next casual connection. I'll still be the star in the sky who didn't fall for your nonsense. You'll always be.. just a man.

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